Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Hello, beloved ones!
In Fall semester of 2015, I will be spending 90 days in Rome. I'm starting this blog as a travel journal to record my adventures from start to finish and share them with you all. I decided that it would be silly to wait until I got to Rome, because in reality the adventure starts now.
 I've spent the last several hours trying to write the words to describe the process behind my decision to take on this adventure. It is difficult to articulate something that is so closely connected with who I am. Traveling to Italy has been on my heart for so long I have difficulty even describing it's origin. But I will try my best.
My Grandfathers parents came from Sicily. I carry a great amount of pride in my Italian name, but deeper than that my love for Italy comes from a love for my family's quirks and strengths that I've always attributed to the Italian in our blood. I can't remember a time when I didn't dream of going to Italy. I've been instilled with a love for the language through my love for opera and choral music. I love the rich history and art of Italy. And most importantly, Rome is the home of the Vatican, the Church. The most important part of my trip in Italy will be my spiritual journey. I will be walking where thousands have saints have walked, and that alone is enough reason to take this adventure. It's always been a dream of mine to be over there. But I think over the past few years I had resigned myself to believing that my academic path wouldn't allow that to happen. But I think one of the most important lessons I've learned in the past few years is that life is flexible, and that there's always time for the things that are important to you.
Towards the end of last semester, there was a tug at my heart telling me I needed to find out how to apply to the study abroad program in Rome. I walked myself to the office twice before I finally crossed through the doors. I ended up leaving the meeting discouraged and angry at my financial situation. But I was continuously encouraged by my peers and family that I would be provided for if this was something that I felt called to. I struggle(d) a lot with worries about whether or not it would lengthen the time I will have to spend here at school, what I'd be missing out in back here if I left for a semester, if it would put me in a ditch financially, if I was just chasing after something silly for the wrong reasons. Big decisions terrify me. But my mother told me that in the end, my decision needed to be based on where I could clearly see myself growing the most in my relationship with Christ. If I could do that the best here at school, then I needed to stay. And if that was in Rome, then I needed to get on that plane. That finalized my decision. I signed the paperwork, and here we are.
The program Aquinas offers is pretty fantastic. We'll be staying in the Villa Serenella hosted by St. Thomas Moore College. Our semester will consists of 13 credits which include courses in Poetry, Art, Theology, and Humanities, which are all things that I love! I'm particularly excited about the Art and Architecture course because we'll spend the class period in the city touring. Rome will literally be our textbook. I can't think of a better way to learn. :) We'll also have several opportunities to travel to different parts of Europe. I've heard rumor of a trip to Poland at some point. The program coordinators have been really fantastic at making it a flexible for us to be able to explore and see what we want to see and have time to really live there and experience it all. Here are some videos and pictures of some previous semesters in Rome. I get goose bumps thinking that that will be me soon.
I still have a long way to get there though. This summer my focus will be preparing to get myself over there, not only emotionally and mentally, but also financially. I'm taking on two lifeguarding jobs, I'll be spending a lot of time in the ceramics studio making mugs and bowls to sell, as well as taking on any other side jobs I can get my hands on. It's going to be hard, but it will be entirely worth it in the long run. It's all part of the adventure. The cost of the program is the full tuition at my school, which is around $14,000, plus the cost of the program which is $10,000. I've spent the last month applying vigorously to scholarships and trying to collect the money that will help cover the cost. Those numbers are pretty daunting, but I know it will even out in the end. I've made myself a chart to keep me organized and make sure I'm on top of due dates. Having it laid out helps me not get overwhelmed by the big numbers.
Yaaaaay charts!

If you would like to help, you can donate to my Gofundme page, or send me donations via snail mail.*
Well, I think that's about it for now. Before I sign off I'd like to ask you for your prayers. This is a really huge thing for me, and as much as I'm excited about it, I'm also terrified. I'm in need of a lot of grace to keep me calm and without anxiety. I'm excited to continue to share this experience with you. I will be posting weekly from now until the end of December when I return to share whats on my mind and how things are going, so stay tuned! Thank you for being here with me!

*Any donation will receive a gift from me, ranging from a handmade card to a baked good. Donations of $20 or more will receive a unique hand crafted mug or bowl made by me!

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